
Age: 20 | Date:
3D Flappy Bird using the pulfrich effect. Get a pair of dark tinted sunglasses and pop out the left lens, and play away!

Age: 14 | Date:
My first 2D platformer. The levels are difficult, and the poor performance and control make it hard, but it is possible! Good luck... (It says at the end of the first level, but might not make it that far: press 'q' when near the flag to end the level)

Asteroid Run
Age: 14 | Date:
My first 2D sidescroller. The collision detection is awful, but there's a colour option in settings to make up for it.

Tank Trouble
Age: 17 | Date:
Local multiplayer tank battle game. You can add players until you run out of keys (or re-use them if you're up for a challenge). The environment is a procedurally generate maze with x (user-defined) random walls removed. Bullets bounce twice before they get absorbed.

Age: 17 | Date:
A simple Minesweeper clone

Age: 14 | Date:
A simple procedural maze generator that I created in a couple of days during my year 10 works experience. When I learn a new language I use maze generation as my Hello World; it's a simple algorithm that introduces the syntax for simple things like variable assignment and loops, as well as function declaration, calls, and definitions - none of which, "Hello World" would cover.